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Cocktail Recipes Genever

Gin Julep: Mint, Genever, Simple Syrup, Strawberries

Genever Julep

In terms of balcony garden report cards, I get a C- in strawberries this year. Got about 10 good berries before the plants went into full-on plant mode. Got some good cocktails out of those hard-earned berries, though! 🙂 Recipe from NYTimes Cocktail Book!

? Gin Julep ?

Course Drinks


  • 6 leaves of mint, plus a sprig for garnish
  • .75 oz simple syrup
  • 2.5 oz genever gin
  • 1 strawberry, muddled


  1. In a tall glass, lightly press mint and strawberry into simple syrup with a muddler or long-handled spoon. Fill glass with cracked ice. Add gin and stir energetically with a swizzle stick or long-handled spoon until frost forms on outside of glass. Top off with more cracked ice, plant a mint sprig on top, and serve with a straw.