Recipe for NYC Escape Picnic:
1. Pack a 40lb camping backpack with a cooler, travel cocktail set, and salad varieties. (Potato, chicken, cous cous.)
2. Don’t forget very important ingredients: @PimmPup and ice. ?❄️
3. Take train up to Breakneck Ridge and scale the boulders with giant, heavy backpack.
4. Find shady spot overlooking Hudson River and transfer load from backpack to bellies.
5.Shake and serve cocktails with your Stanley travel cocktail shaker. ✨?✨?

?Travel Celery Gin and Tonic ?
Prep Time 15 minutes
- 2 oz celery-infused gin (Just overnight infusion!)
- .5 oz lime juice
- 1 oz Cel-Ray soda (If you don't have it, just add extra tonic!)
- Top with tonic water
- Garnish with cucumber or mint or celery! (Or all 3!)
Pack the gin and lime juice in an airtight bottle and pack them up for the hike. Shake with ice and serve in travel tin cups, topping with tonic and soda. Enjoy that view.