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Cocktail Recipes Rum

Green Tea Daiquiri with Harney & Sons Citron Green Tea

cocktail made with tea with a lemon strainer and tea bag in corner

One of the simplest ways to make a simple cocktail into something impressive is to add a complementary ingredient to the base spirit. I usually use a fresh fruit or veggie to adjust a classic cocktail into something seasonal, but I also love using teas. Recently did an interview with @harneyteas about all things tea and cocktails, and decided to make a drink using the Citron Green tea! ?

Check the link in my bio see the interview! 🙂

?Green Tea Daiquiri ?

Course Drinks
Prep Time 15 minutes
Servings 1 person


  • 1.5 oz tea-infused light rum
  • .75 oz fresh lime juice
  • .25 oz simple syrup


  1. Steep the tea in the rum for 4-12 hours. Add all ingredients with ice and shake. Strain and serve in a coupe, garnish with a dusting of green tea!