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Amaro Cocktail Recipes Liqueur

Fernet Branca and Root Beer Cocktail

A *truly!* crowd-pleasing Fernet Branca cocktail with root beer.

This is probably the easiest cocktail on the planet involving Fernet… And probably one of the few drinks where Fernet is a huge crowd-pleaser! It’s also one of the only drinks that uses Not Your Father’s root beer where I prefer the cocktail version instead of the plain old boozy root beer by itself. 🙂 Glassware from the BarkShop! ???…

Cocktail Recipes Mocktail

Blackberry Shrub (Shortcut)

easy blackberry shrub

I love drinking shrubs on evenings when I don’t want to drink a cocktail. I’ve got a book all about how to make these wonderful vinegar drinks but since that requires a bit of foresight, I usually end up doing a shortcut like the one I detailed below. About this glassware, my friend gave Sean and I a pair as a wedding gift from Glassy Baby. I looked…

Cocktail Recipes

Cynar Sour: Maraschino, Lemon, Agave, Egg White

fresh artichoke cocktail cynar

Artichokes aren’t the first ingredient you think of when you want to make a cocktail but they’ve got a really interesting taste, especially in Cynar. This drink tastes a bit like bittersweet burnt sugar. Cynar is a super versatile liqueur and you can mix it in so many different cocktails… definitely worth a purchase!…