Last weekend my friend was telling me about this bar called ROKC up in Hamilton Heights that he went to where they served him a cocktail served in a bell pepper. He said that the taste of the bell pepper seeped into the drink and I thought it sounded so fun and clever that I tried it the next day with a bloody mary I created using flavors that pair well with bell peppers. Sean and I used these bell peppers for bloodies in the afternoon and then chopped them up to use for dinner in the evening. 🙂

Saved By the Bell: Bell Pepper Bloody Mary
- 2 oz Tito's Vodka
- .5 oz fresh lemon juice
- 2 dashes Worcester sauce
- 5 leaves cilantro
- 3 leaves basil
- 3 oz tomato juice
- 1 dash cayenne pepper
- .5 oz sherry vinegar
Blend all ingredients with a blender and blend. Serve over ice in a large bell pepper with the top cut off and a hole bored for a straw. Top with black pepper. Tip: place the bell pepper in a small lowball to keep it balanced!