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Cocktail Recipes Gin

Beetle Juice: Beet, Tarragon, Lemon Gin Cocktail

tarragon beet and pepper cocktail

Beets make incredible modifiers of cocktails because they add such an earthy, peppery flavor to everything they’re in. This cocktail also uses vinegar which is a fun addition to cocktails for the adventurous drinker. 🙂

?Beetle Juice ?

?2oz beet-infused gin (Chop up beets and infuse in gin. I let mine sit for a day.)
?1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
?1 tbsp lemon juice
?2 oz seltzer or tonic water
?Green garnish– I used tarragon.

Mix all ingredients except bubbly part and shake. Pour into a coupe glass and top with bubbly. Crack black pepper on top and serve! Savory, a little sour, and earthy.